

Chryso is a supplier of emulsified dust lubrication systems that aid in the coalescing, stabilisation, and suppression of rising dust particles and spores.

A leader in the construction chemicals industry – CHRYSO Southern Africa formulates, manufactures, sells, and distributes admixtures and additives that service the cement, ready-mix, precast, new construction, mining, and gypsum industries.

About us

  • Expertise: chemical solutions for the construction materials industry
  • Positioning: market leader in South Africa
  • Export:  a dedicated export team that has the capabilities to service 80% of the African continent. We also have distributors, licensees, and agents that operate in Zambia, Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and Swaziland
  • A subsidiary of the CHRYSO Group: one of 20 subsidiaries in the CHRYSO Group (corporate head office in France); with LBO France as its major shareholder

Markets and typology of our customers:

  • CONCRETE: readymix·plants, precast manufacturers, mining companies (underground construction), construction sites,
  • CEMENT: cement manufacturers, cement blenders
  • GYPSUM: plasterboard manufacturers
  • CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS:·a.b.e Construction Chemicals

An innovative company

  • 20% of our staff work in R&D
  • 35% of our turnover are generated thanks to products which are under 5 years old
  • 3% of our turnover is invested every year in R&D
  • 25 laboratories worldwide

Appendix – Ligno Sulphate Information – Chryso Eco Dust 200D

DustWatch can provide quotations for this product if required and provide advice on an optimized application for different area requirements.

Gravel Roads, Haul Roads, Unpaved open areas, Stockpiles, and Berms.  On-site advice is available for site-specific requirements and optimization.

Chryso - Dust fallout monitoring equipment - dust buckets - RSPM - Cape Town, South Africa

PDF Downloads

CHRYSO Eco dust Brochure PDF
Eco Dust Application – Edited by Dustwatch

Chryso - Dust fallout monitoring equipment - dust buckets - RSPM - Cape Town, South Africa
Chryso - Dust fallout monitoring equipment - dust buckets - RSPM - Cape Town, South Africa
Chryso - Dust fallout monitoring equipment - dust buckets - RSPM - Cape Town, South Africa
Chryso - Dust fallout monitoring equipment - dust buckets - RSPM - Cape Town, South Africa

Typed out Text of above images



CHRYSO Partnered with Chris Loans of Dust Watch and conducted extensive research on CHRYSO®EcoDust 200D on-site over a period of thirty days to determine the stability and effectiveness of CHRYSO®EcoDust 200D, used to suppress dust from roads, walkways and stockpile dumps on a construction site.

Stockpile Application Guideline:100% solution of CHRYSO®EcoDust 200D, spray applied.


The product needs to be applied generously especially at the bottom of the slope of the stockpile to avoid wind avalanches from disrupting the treated layer. The wind influences the results as it binds more quickly to the stockpile. Fines bound more effectively than large particles.

  • A 43% solution works well to seal off a stockpile or open exposed area, however more layers of solution are needed for the same amount of product. The concentration of the product should be dependent on the amount of water needed, in order to allow the product to bind with the surface layer of the stockpile or exposed surface. A run-off of the product during application should be avoided.
  • The mixing of product and material of the top layer of the surface is beneficial to keep the material in place on a sloped surface, and also provides additional stabilization so that the top layer is less likely to slide down.


Road and On-site Application Guideline:

Undisturbed open areas on site:
43% solution every 21 days or 85% every 42 days

In trafficked areas:
15% solution for the first two treatments and 5% thereafter, 4 times daily to maintain the treatment.


1 litre of solution per m2 needs to be used to apply the product to an area.

  • The use of the product on a road at any percentage requires the surface to be compacted to achieve the mixing with the top layer. Vehicles traveling regularly will achieve this. The smoother the road the better as this prevents pooling of the solution in parts of the road.
  • When vehicles travel on the road, the whole area of the road should be used, to prevent the middle of the road not being compacted and resulting in loose material.

Factors that will influence the intervals between maintenance applications and lifetime of the surface:

Quality of base material ◦Climate conditions ◦Volumes and type of traffic