Environmental Fallout Dust Monitoring Equipment and Devices

DustWatch CC - South Africa

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Some Data that is not Easily Available.  


Excellent humidity and moist air online calculators

  1. http://physics.holsoft.nl/physics/ocmain.htm#densair (Page also available at Calculator for moist air)


  2. http://www.natmus.dk/cons/tp/atmcalc/atmocalc.htm (Page also available at Holsoft's Physics Resources Pages)


  3. http://www.natmus.dk/cons/tp/atmcalc/ATMOCLC1.HTM#vca (Page also available at Moisture in air)


Density Data

If you have sweated to find data, then please allow it to be added here. Email us.

The specific gravity is calculated using a density of water of 997.6466 kg/m3.  
SG = density of substance/997.6466.

Material Specific Gravity
Aluminium  cast 2.569
Aluminium wrought 2.681
bronze 7.787
Antimony 6.712
Arsenic 5.748
Bismuth 9.827
From 7.868
Brass cast to 8.430
Average 8.109
Brass Muntz-metal 8.221
Brass naval (rolled)  8.510
Brass sheet 8.462
Brass wire 8.558
From 8.478
(gun metal)
to 8.863
Average 8.735
Copper,  Cast 8.622
Copper hammered 8.927
Copper sheet 8.815
Copper wire 8.895
Gold (pure) 19.316
Gold standard 22 carat fine (Gold 11, copper 1) 17.502
Iron Cast From 6.904
to 7.386
Average 7.209
From 7.547
Iron Wrought to  7.803
Average 7.707
Lead cast 11.368
sheet 11.432
Manganese 8.012
Nickel Cast 8.285
rolled 8.687
Platinum 21.516
Silver 10.517
From 7.820
Steel to 7.916
Average 7.868
Tin 7.418
White metal babbitt's 7.322
Zinc cast 6.872
sheet 7.209


Woods (at 15 percent moisture content by mass.)
  As a general rule, solids and liquids are usually quoted by mass, while gasses are quoted by volume)

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Ash, European 704.81 Mahogany, African 560.65
Beech, European 720.83 Mahogany Honduras 544.63
Birch, European 672.78 Oak, American red 784.90
Boxwood, European 929.07 Oak, American white 768.89
Cork 240.28 Oak, English 720.83
Ebony, Ceylon 1185.37 Pine, Yellow 416.48
Greenheart 1041.20 Redwood (Scots Pine) 512.59
Hornbeam 768.89 Teak 656.76
Larch, European 592.68 Whitewood, European 464.54
Lignum - vitae 1249.44    


Stones, Earths, etc.

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Asphaltum 1025 - 1794 Grindstone 2146.47
Brick, common 1601 - 2002 Lime, quick 832.96
Brick, fire 2194 - 2402 Limestone and marble 2402 - 2867
Cement, Portland 1281 - 1441 Mortar, hardened 1409 - 1890
Clay 1922 Mud, dry and close 1281 - 1762
Concrete 1922 - 2242 Mud, wet and fluid 1665 - 1922
Earth 1233 - 1922 Sand, dry 1409 - 1762
Glass, crown 2498.88 Sand, wet 1890 - 2066
Glass, flint 2995.45 Sandstone 2082 - 2723
Glass, plate 2707.12 Victoria stone (crushed) 2306
Granite 2627 - 2803 granite,Portland 2306
Gravel 1441 - 2002 cement, silica 2306



Miscellaneous Substances

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Bone 1906.20 Ivory 1874.16
Grain, barley 640.74 Lard 948.29
Grain, oats 528.61 Leather 961.11
Grain, wheat 800.92 Rosin 1105.27
Guttapercha 977.13 Sulphur 2002.31
Ice 919.46 Tallow 929.07
Indiarubber 929.07 Wax 969.12

Weights of Woods (dry wood)

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Alder 528.6 Elder 640.7
Almond 688.8 Elm, American 704.8
Greenheart 1121.3 Elm, Canadian 720.8
Ash, American 640.7 Elm, Common 672.8
Ash, European 688.8 Fir, Danzig 608.7
Ash, Mountain 688.8 Fir, Riga 576.7
balsa 112.1/128.1 Fir, silver 480.6
Bamboo 400.5 Fir, Spruce 480.6
Beech, common 736.8 Hackmatack 624.7
Beech, Australian 528.6 Hazel 624.7
Birch, American 672.8 Hickery 800.9
Birch, English 720.8 Holly (Holley) 608.7
Boxwood, Cape 833.0 Hornbeam 720.8
Boxwood, West Indian 784.9 Ironwood 1201.4
Boxwood, Common 1217.4 Jarrah 913.1
Cedar, Cuban 448.5 juniper 592.7
Cedar, Virginian 528.6 Lancewood 913.1
Cedar, Indian 448.5 Larch 608.7
Cherry, American 576.7 Lignum-vitae 1329.5
Cherry, English 608.7 Lime or Linden 512.6
Chestnut, Sweet 640.7 Logwood 913.1
Chestnut, Horse 560.6 Mahogany, East Indian 688.8
Cocus 1105.3 Mahogany, Cuban 752.9
Cogwood 1073.2 Mahogany, Australian 1105.3
Cork 96.1 Mahogany, Spanish 768.9
Cottonwood, American 544.6 Maple, Bird's-eye 576.7
Cypress 480.6 Maple, Hard 672.8
Dogwood 784.9 Maple, Soft 608.7
Ebony 1169.3 Oak, African 945.1


Weights of Woods (dry wood) Continued...

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Oak, American 720.8 Rosewood 881.0
Oak, Danzig 833.0 Satinwood 929.1
Oak, English 736.8 Spruce 480.6
Pine, Pitch 704.8 Sycamore 640.7
Pine, Red 544.6 Teak 800.9
Pine, White 432.5 Walnut 656.8
Pine, Yellow 528.6 Whitewood 528.6
Plane 560.6 Willow 528.6
Poplar 416.5 Yew 833.0


Weights of some Liquids

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Acid, nitric (91%) 1505.7 Oils 929.1
Acid, Sulphuric (87%) 1794.1 Paraffin 897.0
Alcohol 784.9 Petrol 881.0
Benzine 736.8 Petrol Refined 800.9
Gasoline 672.8 Water, fresh 993.1
Mercury 13599.7 Water, Salt 1025.2


Weights of some Metals

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Aluminium 2579.0 lead 10988.7
Brass 8329.6 Nickel 8794.1
Bronze 8169.4 Platinum 21496.8
Copper 8890.2 Silver 10492.1
Gold 19302.2 Steel 7849.0
Gun-metal 8650.0 Tin 7176.3
Iron, cast 7208.3 White-metal 7368.5
Iron, Wrought 7688.9 Zinc 7176.3

Weights of some Soils

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Chalk 2723.1 Mud, Wet 1922.2
Clay 2162.5 Sand, dry, loose 1601.8
Earth, loose 1201.4 Sand, wet 2082.4
Gravel 1762.0 Shale 2563.0
Mud, dry 1601.8    


Density of Stones & Masonry

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Brick, pressed 2402.8 Lime mortar 1681.9
Brick, common 2002.3 Limestone, compressed 2723.1
Brick, soft 1601.8 Limestone, granular 2002.3
Brickwork 1794.1 Limestone, loose broken 1521.8
Cement 1441.7 Limestone, walls 2643.0
Concrete 2242.6 Marble 2723.1
Concrete, reinforced 2402.8 Plaster of paris 2242.6
Concrete, coke breeze 1441.7 Rubble masonry 2242.6
Flint 2563.0 Sandstone 2402.8
Granite 2723.1 Sandstone, masonry 2242.6
Lime 961.1 Slate 2803.2

Density of some Miscellaneous Substances

Material Density (kg/m3) Material Density (kg/m3)
Anthracite, broken loose 865.0 Grain, Wheat 768.9
Asbestos 2995.5 Grain, barley 624.7
Asphalt 1409.6 Grain, Oats 512.6
Coal, bituminous 1361.6 Hay & straw, in bales 320.4
Coal, broken, loose 800.9 Ice 913.1
Coke 720.8 salt 720.8
Coke, loose 480.6 Sulphur 2002.3
Flour 6408.7 White Lead 3155.6
Glass, window 2563.0 Glass, flint 3043.5

Frequently Asked Questions

Question:  Lengths of some substances - How big is sand, an atom, paraffin fume and the size of coffee Beans


Looking at your request in particular

1.  Sand  (See the particle table attached)

2.  An Atom varies in size (see the other two attached pictures).  Oxygen has a diameter of about 1.3 Angstrom (1X10^(-10)  meters).  You could line up 75 million oxygen atoms in a distance of 1 centimeter.

3. Paraffin fume also varies in diameter. But the best approximation would be the C4H10 molecule on the particle size table.  Paraffin is any molecule with the formulae C(n)H(2n+2), with n =4 gives you C4H10.  You can then approximate the diameter by adding the atomic diameters of each molecule, although there would be some inaccuracy as the molecules are not all in a straight line.  Paraffin is usually made up of particles with n = 20 or more.

4.  Size of Coffee Beans: I recommend buying some coffee beans and measuring the size with a ruler.

atomic radius.gif (57010 bytes)

atomic_size_comparison.gif (62942 bytes)

particle_size_diagram.gif (24515 bytes)

particle_size_table.gif (148481 bytes)


Visit this website for these densities.



Material - powder, ore, solids, etc.
Alfalfa, ground 256
Alum, lumpy 881
Alum, pulverized 753
Alumina 961
Aluminum, oxide 1522
Ammonia gas 0.77
Ammonium Nitrate 730
Ammonium Sulphate - dry 1130
Ammonium Sulphate - wet 1290
Andesite, solid 2771
Antimony, cast 6696
Apples 641
Arsenic 5671
Asbestos - shredded 320- 400
Asbestos rock 1600
Ashes - wet 730- 890
Ashes - dry 570- 650
Asphalt, crushed 721
Babbitt 7272
Bagasse 120
Bakelite, solid 1362
Baking powder 721
Barium 3780
Bark, wood refuse 240
Barley 609
Barite, crushed 2883
Basalt, broken 1954
Basalt, solid 3011
Bauxite, crushed 1281
Beans, castor 577
Beans, cocoa 593
Beans, navy 801
Beans, soy 721
Beeswax 961
Beets 721
Bentonite 593
Bicarbonate of soda 689
Bismuth 9787
Bones, pulverized 881
Borax, fine 849
Bran 256
Brewers grain 432
Brick, common red 1922
Brick, fire clay 2403
Brick, silica 2050
Brick, chrome 2803
Brick, magnesia 2563
Buckwheat 657
Butter 865
Cadmium 8650
Calcium carbide 1201
Caliche 1442
Carbon, solid 2146
Carbon, powdered 80
Carbon dioxide 1.98
Carbon monoxide 1.25
Cardboard 689
Cement - clinker 1290-1540
Cement, Portland 1506
Cement, mortar 2162
Cement, slurry 1442
Chalk, solid 2499
Chalk, lumpy 1442
Chalk, fine 1121
Charcoal 208
Chloroform 1522
Chocolate, powder 641
Chromic acid, flake 1201
Chromium 6856
Chromium ore 2162
Cinders, furnace 913
Cinders, Coal, ash 641
Clay, dry excavated 1089
Clay, wet excavated 1826
Clay, dry lump 1073
Clay, fire 1362
Clay, wet lump 1602
Clay, compacted 1746
Clover seed 769
Coal, Anthracite, solid 1506
Coal, Anthracite, broken 1105
Coal, Bituminous, solid 1346
Coal, Bituminous, broken 833
Cobaltite ( cobolt ore ) 6295
Coconut, meal 513
Coconut, shredded 352
Coffee, fresh beans 561
Coffee, roast beans 432
Coke 570- 650
Concrete, Asphalt 2243
Concrete, Gravel 2403
Concrete, Limestone with Portland 2371
Copper ore 1940-2590
Copper sulfate, ground 3604
Copra, medium size 529
Copra, meal, ground 641
Copra, expeller cake ground 513
Copra, expeller cake chopped 465
Cork, solid 240
Cork, ground 160
Corn, on the cob 721
Corn, shelled 721
Corn, grits 673
Cottonseed, dry, de-linted 561
Cottonseed, dry, not de-linted 320
Cottonseed, cake, lumpy 673
Cottonseed, hulls 192
Cottonseed, meal 593
Cottonseed, meats 641
Cottonwood 416
Cryolite 1602
Cullet 1602
Culm 753
Dolomite, solid 2899
Dolomite, pulverized 737
Dolomite, lumpy 1522
Earth, loam, dry, excavated 1249
Earth, moist, excavated 1442
Earth, wet, excavated 1602
Earth, dense 2002
Earth, soft loose mud 1730
Earth, packed 1522
Earth, Fullers, raw 673
Emery 4005
Ether 737
Feldspar, solid 2563
Feldspar, pulverized 1233
Fertilizer, acid phosphate 961
Fish, scrap 721
Fish, meal 593
Flaxseed, whole 721
Flint - silica 1390
Flour, wheat 593
Flue dust 1450-2020
Fluorspar, solid 3204
Fluorspar, lumps 1602
Fluorspar, pulverized 1442
Fullers Earth - raw or burnt 570- 730
Galena ( lead ore ) 7400 - 7600
Garbage, household rubbish 481
Glass - broken or cullet 1290-1940
Glass, window 2579
Glue, animal, flaked 561
Glue, vegetable, powdered 641
Gluten, meal 625
Gneiss, bed in place 2867
Gneiss, broken 1858
Granite, solid 2691
Granite, broken 1650
Graphite, flake 641
Grain - Maize 760
Grain - Barley 600
Grain - Millet 760- 800
Grain - Wheat 780- 800
Gravel, loose, dry 1522
Gravel, with sand, natural 1922
Gravel, dry 1/4 to 2 inch 1682
Gravel, wet 1/4 to 2 inch 2002
Gummite ( uranium ore ) 3890 - 6400
Gypsum, solid 2787
Gypsum, broken 1290-1600
Gypsum, crushed 1602
Gypsum, pulverized 1121
Halite (salt), solid 2323
Halite (salt), broken 1506
Hematite ( iron ore ) 5095 - 5205
Hemimorphite ( zinc ore ) 3395 - 3490
Hydrochloric acid 40% 1201
Ice, solid 919
Ice, crushed 593
Ilmenite 2307
Iridium 22154
Iron ore - crushed - see metals table 2100-2900
Iron oxide pigment 400
Iron Pyrites 2400
Iron Sulphate - pickling tank - dry 1200
Iron Sulphate - pickling tank - wet 1290
Ivory 1842
Kaolin, green crushed 1025
Kaolin, pulverized 352
Lead, rolled - see metals table 11389
Lead, red 3684
Lead, white pigment 4085
Leather 945
Lignite, dry 801
Lime, quick, lump 849
Lime, quick, fine 1201
Lime, stone, large 2691
Lime, stone, lump 1538
Lime, hydrated 481
Lime, wet or mortar 1540
Limonite, solid 3796
Limonite, broken 2467
Limestone, solid 2611
Limestone, broken 1554
Limestone, pulverized 1394
Linseed, whole 753
Linseed, meal 513
Locust, dry 705
Magnesite, solid 3011
Magnesium Oxide 1940
Magnesium Sulphate, crystal 1121
Magnetite, solid ( iron ore ) 5046
Magnetite, broken 3284
Malachite ( copper ore ) 3750 - 3960
Malt 336
Manganese, solid 7609
Manganese Oxide 1922
Manure 400
Marble, solid 2563
Marble, broken 1570
Marl, wet, excavated 2243
Mica, solid 2883
Mica, broken 1602
Mica - flake 520
Mica - powder 986
Milk, powdered 449
Molybdenum ore 1600
Mortar, wet 2403
Mud, packed 1906
Mud, fluid 1730
Nickel ore 1600
Nickel, rolled 8666
Nickel silver 8442
Nitric acid, 91% 1506
Nitrogen 1.26
Oak, red 705
Oats 432
Oats, rolled 304
Oil cake 785
Oil, linseed 942
Oil, petroleum 881
Oxygen 1.43
Oyster shells, ground 849
Paper, standard 1201
Peanuts, shelled 641
Peanuts, not shelled 272
Peat, dry 400
Peat, moist 801
Peat, wet 1121
Pecan wood 753
Phosphate rock, broken 1762
Phosphorus 2339
Pitch 1153
Plaster 849
Platinum ore 2600
Porcelain 2403
Porphyry, solid 2547
Porphyry, broken 1650
Potash 1281
Potassium Chloride 2002
Potatoes, white 769
Pumice, stone 641
Pyrite (fool's gold) 2400 - 5015
Quartz, solid 2643
Quartz, lump 1554
Quartz sand 1201
Resin, synthetic, crushed 561
Rice, hulled 753
Rice, rough 577
Rice grits 689
Rip-Rap 1602
Rock - soft - excavated with shovel 1600-1780
Rosin 1073
Rubber, caoutchouc 945
Rubber, manufactured 1522
Rubber, ground scrap 481
Rye 705
Salt cake 1442
Salt, course 801
Salt, fine 1201
Saltpeter 1201
Sand, wet 1922
Sand, wet, packed 2082
Sand, dry 1602
Sand, loose 1442
Sand, rammed 1682
Sand, water filled 1922
Sand with Gravel, dry 1650
Sand with Gravel, wet 2020
Sandstone, solid 2323
Sandstone, broken 1370-1450
Sawdust 210
Sewage, sludge 721
Shale, solid 2675
Shale, broken 1586
Shells - oyster 800
Sinter 1600-2180
Slag, solid 2114
Slag, broken 1762
Slag, crushed, 1/4 inch 1185
Slag, furnance granulated 961
Slate, solid 2691
Slate, broken 1290-1450
Slate, pulverized 1362
Smithsonite ( zinc ore ) 4300
Snow, freshly fallen 160
Snow, compacted 481
Soap, solid 801
Soap, chips 160
Soap, flakes 160
Soap, powdered 368
Soapstone talc 2400
Soda Ash, heavy 1080
Soda Ash, light 432
Sodium 977
Sodium Aluminate, ground 1153
Sodium Nitrate, ground 1201
Soy beans, whole 753
Starch, powdered 561
Stone, crushed 1602
Stone (common, generic) 2515
Sugar, brown 721
Sugar, powdered 801
Sugar, granulated 849
Sugar, raw cane 961
Sugarbeet pulp, dry 208
Sugarbeet pulp, wet 561
Sugarcane 272
Sulphur, solid 2002
Sulphur, lump 1314
Sulphur, pulverized 961
Taconite 2803
Talc, solid 2691
Talc, broken 1746
Tanbark, ground 881
Tankage 961
Tar 1153
Tobacco 320
Trap rock, solid 2883
Trap rock, broken 1746
Turf 400
Turpentine 865
Walnut, black, dry 609
Water, pure 1000
Water, sea (see liquids table) 1026
Wheat 769
Wheat, cracked 673
Wood chips - dry - see wood table 240- 520
Wool 1314
Zinc oxide 400


Or vist this site http://www.educ.iastate.edu/ci/treg/DaVinci/strategies/as-53.html for these densities.

Table of densities for common materials: 
styrofoam 0.05 g/mL
balsa wood 0.16 g/mL
cork 0.25 g/mL
charcoal 0.40 g/mL
pine 0.55 g/mL
snow 0.56 g/mL
gasoline 0.66 g/mL
maple 0.72 g/mL
oak 0.80 g/mL
ice 0.92 g/mL
olive oil 0.92 g/mL
water 1.00 g/mL
coal 1.50 g/mL
sugar 1.59 g/mL
bone 1.70 g/mL
table salt 2.16 g/mL
glass 2.20 g/mL
aluminum 2.70 g/mL
cement 2.80 g/mL
the Earth 5.50 g/mL
steel 7.80 g/mL
iron 7.90 g/mL
brass 8.40 g/mL
nickel 8.90 g/mL
silver 10.50 g/mL
lead 11.34 g/mL
mercury 13.60 g/mL
gold 19.32 g/mL
platinum 21.40 g/mL


Miscellaneous Information


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  Last modified: July 27, 2023

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