American Type Dustwatch Unit Training Video

American Type DustWatch Unit Operational Training Video

Transcribed Text from this Video

“Hello, just some brief instructions on how to assemble your unit sample stand, and how to disassemble it

There are only two sections. They are equally marked 1 and 1, and 2 and 2.
Take the stand apart, and remove the bucket. Pull the pin down here, lower the stand, sample container comes out, lids are provided so put the lid on and you are ready to go.

In the event that you have a situation where you have a lot of rain, maybe your sample container is partially full of water and difficult to handle, one option is to pull this pin, set it on your standard securely, now you are able to reach and pull this out with 2 hands, set it on the ground, attach your cap. On behalf of Dustwatch, and Mountain Research, thank you.”

DustWatch has partnered with Mountain Research, LLC in the USA. DustWatch single bucket ASTM D1739 (2017) units will be manufactured in the USA for distribution purposes within the USA and other countries.  Mountain Research, LLC (Mountain Research) is a full-service turnkey environmental and drilling services corporation founded in 1985.  DustWatch is excited to partner with Mountain Research, please visit their website for more information


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