As a company DustWatch CC offers many services that fall under our expertise:
As a company DustWatch CC offers many services that fall under our expertise:
These systems are used where material is conveyed or moved in such a way that fine dust particles are liberated.
Dust control or dust extraction systems are used to prevent dust from escaping and precipitating on the ground. A common misconception is that these systems actually remove fines from the product being transferred.
Legally, concerns that fall under the Department of Minerals and Energy in South Africa are required to have audits done.
These audits include the following investigations among others:
This involves the determination of the exact dust or fume load in a stack, or dust plant. This is used to determine efficiencies of dust plants, calibrate dust/fume measuring devices and determine stack emissions. Read more
DustWatch CC specialises in Fallout Dust Monitoring and Fallout Dust Monitoring Services in South Africa and other countries.
The focus on PM10 particulate (particles with a d50 aerodynamic diameter of 10 micron) has increased internationally and in South Africa. New legislation now requires dust generating activities to monitor for PM10 if the fallout dust levels exceed the respective residential or non-residential limit, of 600 and 1200mg/m2/day respectively.
This involves sampling for respirable dust particles (particles with a d50 aerodynamic diameter of 7 µm or 7 micron). These particle sizes are proportionally not kept out by the nasal system and pass into the lungs. Any sharp particles and or particles that go in and don’t come out can lead to serious health problems. Read more
These normally form part of the occupational audits but sometimes these investigations are required for a certain problem area. An example of this is the loudness of hooters and the effectiveness of headlights on earth moving vehicles.
This service includes the taking of samples and getting them analysed for the required substances.
DustWatch – Fallout Dust Monitoring Equipment. Dust Monitoring Equipment – Supply and Services of Dust Monitoring Equipment. Dust Buckets. Dust monitoring training courses. Dust Watch.
Dust monitoring equipment and Dust Monitoring Devices – Fallout dust collection or collection of precipitant dust can be achieved using the DustWatch Unit Device and the ASTM D1739 Method. Dust Precipitation and Dust Fall measuring equipment. Outfall dust standards and Dust equipment. Volcanic Ash Monitoring. American Standard Test Method D1739. Dust Sampling Equipment. Dust sampling pictures. Training Procedures. Buchner Funnel Equipment – dustfall monitoring, dust equipment, rspm vs pm10 vs pm2.5. Fallout dust monitoring equipment