CHRYSO Eco dust Brochure PDF
Eco Dust Application – Edited by Dustwatch
Chryso is a supplier of emulsified dust lubrication systems that aid in the coalescing, stabilisation, and suppression of rising dust particles and spores.
DustWatch can provide quotations for this product if required and also provide advice on optimized applications for different area requirements. Gravel Roads, Haul Roads, Unpaved open areas, Stockpiles, and Berms. On-site advice is available for site-specific requirements and optimization.
The application spreadsheet is available here if required.
Chryso has a range of environmentally friendly products that can be used, and the recommended usage of one of these products, the ECO Dust 200 D, is shown below.
Eco Dust 200 D
The following are typical areas where our product can be used:
Open exposed areas
Gravel roads
Farm roads
Gravel airstrips
Quarry roads
Stockpile dumps
Mine dumps
General Application Guidelines
Application Method for Regular Maintenance to decrease road dust significantly
Four applications at 15% in one day and one application per day thereafter at 5% solution. Application rate of 1 litre of solution per m2.
Long term application. (30 days or more)
Application of 85% solution at 1 litre per m2. This is a once off application and can last up to 90 days.
Factors that will influence the intervals between maintenance applications and lifetime of the surface:
Appendix: Example for a 30-day application on a site.
30 Day Plan to Control Dust
The area quoted on is 13000m2, broken up into: